
October 16th Homeschool Enrichment Day Update!

Check out this Wednesday's Special Rate!!!

By Franklin-Hart Macaroni Kid Publisher Christina Bell August 4, 2024


Due to the influx of homeschoolers and in the wake of all we've been through with Hurricane Helene, we are offering a special this Wednesday October 9th...Only $20 to drop off your child ($15 siblings) Please sign up at the link below by 5pm on the 8th! 

(UPDATE TO THIS ARTICLE: Octobers classes will be afternoon classes for weather reasons. drop off as early as 12:30 and pick up at 5pm. Morning drop off for a longer day option will be 9:30.) 

Homeschooling is taking off like a rocket around here! There are so many new Co-Ops that have started this year and I've been trying to keep a list to share with those of you that are homeschooling. 

First of all, Congrats and Welcome to another school year! We support all types of Education but it just so happens that myself and Amy with Elbert Macaroni Kid homeschool our kids. Sometimes in the choice to homeschool you can feel major mom guilt and the number one concern in society is on socialization. I could probably go on about this but what I want to highlight as well is how so many love to homeschool and love the idea of a Co-Op but they really want to drop their child off at a co-op so they can do some of those things that they enjoyed doing by themselves. At some point over the summer I realized that we could totally host a once a week enrichment day. We have so much that kids love to see and do here, between chickens, ducks, rabbits and a pig, plus all the STEM science kits we have, the encouragement to use your imagination and build and create and the ability to use tools and wood, etc to build things and crafting with a Cricut and Embroidery machine...I legitimately could keep kids busy for days. 

So I decided to go ahead and host Homeschool Enrichment Days...This is not a co-op, there is no joining or registration fee, this is open to anyone that perhaps needs to regroup in the middle of the week and have their kids learn in a group setting. You can pay for the entire month, or you can pay for one class, but I do need to make sure I know the attendance in advance so I have enough supplies for the activities that we will be doing each week. This is why I created the sign up the way I did. I realized that as the oldest of 7 and a second generation foster parent (with focus on medically fragile and therapeutic children) and with my second oldest taking Early Childhood Education Classes in Dual Enrollment that not offering this type of support to you would just be selfish. We plan on breaking the group up into two groups, one of littles and one of bigs, or according to activity depending on interest. Most likley we will also have another mother that enjoys baking, for those kids that might want to learn and bake too. 

All of our enrichment days will use skills of Math, Reading, Science, Communication, Life Skills, etc. and I'm not opposed to full days if needed twice a month where your child can bring their school and work on it in the mornings. Sometimes we all need someone else supporting us and that's just what we will offer. Most importantly we will be outside and electronic free for a good part of our days. 

Need help with anything else that day, just ask...after all, we homeschool, we are totally flexible! 

Here's the sign up form: